S-SQL Examples V

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Variable Parameters

You can use variables in s-sql statements. For example:

(let ((column 'latitude) (table 'countries))
             (query (:select column :from table)))

(let ((select 'countries.name))
             (query (:select select
                   :from 'countries 'regions
                   :where (:and
                           (:or (:= 'regions.name '$1)
                                (:= 'regions.name '$2))
                           (:= 'regions.id 'countries.region-id)))))

Notice that the variable values were quoted. If you used strings, the string would be escaped and Postgresql would give you a syntax error.

View (:create-view)

Create-view will accept quoted values, strings or keywords for the name of the view you are creating. Hyphens will be automatically be converted to underscores.

(query (:create-view 'quagmire (:select 'id 'name :from 'employee)))

(query (:create-view :quagmire (:select 'id 'name :from 'employee)))

(query (:create-view "quagmire" (:select 'id 'name :from 'employee)))

(query (:create-view 'quagmire-hollow (:select 'id 'name :from 'employee)))

(query (:create-view "quagmire-hollow" (:select 'id 'name :from 'employee)))