Marijn Haverbeke's blog (license)

Faking an editable control in browser JavaScript

Tuesday, September 18, 2012 javascript codemirror5 cm-internals

This is a post in the cm-internals series, describing the internals of the CodeMirror editor.

The problem it tackles is this: you are writing a JavaScript control that needs to act as a text input field—it must be focusable, support copy and paste, receive typed input—but really isn't. I.e. you want to draw it yourself, and have full control over its content.

In this post, I won't talk about drawing a cursor, maintaining your own selection, and similar. Those are also required to present a convincing text input, of course. But they are relatively straightforward to implement.

The hidden textarea

The crux of my solution, the initial inspiration for which I got from the ACE editor, revolves around a hidden textarea node. This is the thing that the browser believes is focused when the editor looks like it is focused. It'll behave like a regular focusable object, you can assign a tabindex to it, and will receive focus and blur events when it gains or loses focus, allowing us to update the style of our editor (show/hide cursor, color/grey selection) to reflect its focused state.

This textarea must, obviously, not be visible. The suspension of disbelief required for an editable control to feel real is completely ruined when there's a textarea sitting next to it, with its own blinking cursor.

However, if you give the textarea display: none or visibility: hidden, the browser decides that it is not really part of the document and will refuse to focus it. CodeMirror gets around this by wrapping the textarea (made small) in an overflow: hidden; height: 0 element (div). That makes it both invisible and focusable.

(You'll also want an outline: none style, to prevent some browsers from helpfully showing a glow around it when focused, which is for some reason not clipped by the overflow: hidden.)

An other unfortunate (or fortunate, depending on your perspective) effect of a focused editing control is that the browser will scroll it into view every time it notices activity in it. This means that, if the hidden textarea simply sat at the top of the editor, and you had that top scrolled out of view because you were editing something near the bottom of the editor, your window would scroll up every time you typed a character.

CodeMirror absolutely positions the div element it uses to hide the textarea, and moves it around to always line up with the cursor. That way, it actually helps scroll the real cursor into view.

Maintaining selection

When the user has selected some text, and performs a copy or cut action, the correct text should be placed on the clipboard.

This means that the selected text must be present in the textarea, and selected. There are two approaches one can take here. The first, taken by ACE, is to listen for copy and cut events (which are fired before the actual copy or cut takes place), and only when such an event is detected, insert the currently selected text into the textarea and select it.

CodeMirror's approach is less clever, but more robust. It simply always places the currently selected text into the textarea (selected). The downside is that setting and getting a textarea's value property when it contains a lot of text is slow. If you put a huge document into CodeMirror and press ctrl-A / cmd-A (select all), there'll be a noticeable pause. (On some old browsers, depending on the size of the document, it can actually look more like a browser freeze than a noticeable pause.)

The advantage of this approach is that it works on Opera, which doesn't fire copy and cut events, and that, on Linux, on some browsers, it'll play nice with the X Windows selection clipboard (i.e. middle-mouse-button paste). CodeMirror takes some care to minimize the amount of textarea.value traffic it produces, for example by not updating the value during a selection drag, but only when the drag is finished.

Update: It turned out to be easy to wire up CodeMirror to perform the same trick as ACE—only putting in the whole selection when a cut or copy happens—but only do it when the selection is actually big, and we're on a browser that fires copy and cut events. For small selections, the X Windows menu will still work, yet the pathological case of select-all in a huge doc is only costly when the resulting selection is copied.

Noticing input

So the hidden textarea contains the current selection, and has its content selected. That means that when the user types something, or pastes text, the content of the textarea will be the inserted text (overwriting the previous selection, if any), which can then be inserted into the real document at the cursor position.

But who will tell us when input happens? For a start, we can listen to events like keypress, paste, input, and even mouse events. Those'll tell us that something might be about to go down. So we set a timeout, and check the content of the textarea a few milliseconds later.

But that isn't perfect. Opera doesn't fire paste—and when you paste from the menu, there also aren't any mouse events being fired. Furthermore, IME input, on some browsers, can cause the content of the textarea to be updated without any event being fired.

So we must poll too. And polling could get expensive, if we do it a lot and have to read the (potentially large) value of the textarea every time. Fortunately, we are helped by the fact that if the textarea has a big value (the selection), that value will be selected, and entering input would overwrite it. Thus, if the textarea has a selection (which is cheap to check), its value does not have to be read. This makes polling cheap, and allows CodeMirror to poll intensively when it is focused without eating up too many CPU cycles. (It stops polling when unfocused.)

About IME

I mentioned IME, Input Method Editor. I am not an expert on it, since I don't speak any language that requires it to be used. But, in brief, it allows people who write in scripts that have too many characters to fit on a keyboard to use sequences of key strokes to create characters. It usually operates by showing the current result of the composition in the editable control, and then replacing it with the updated result as more keys are pressed.

If CodeMirror were to clear the textarea every time it reads input, that would throw off partially finished IME input. So what it does is, when no selection exists, to leave the current input in the textarea, and store its value somewhere. Then next time when it polls, it compares the new value of the textarea to the previous value, discards the common prefix string, and uses what remains of the new value as the text to insert. If something also remains of the old value (after discarding the common prefix), that means that part of the previous value was replaced by new text, and the new input should replace those old characters in the document.


Modern browsers provide a weird but useful drag-and-drop API. It is easy for an editing control to hook into this to support dropping text into the editor and dragging text out of this. There are a few subtleties. Here is CodeMirror's dragstart handler:

on(node, "dragstart", function(e) {
  // Set the dragged data to the currently selected text
  e.dataTransfer.setData("Text", editor.getSelection());

  // Use dummy image instead of default browsers image.
  if (e.dataTransfer.setDragImage)
    e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(document.createElement('img'), 0, 0);

The setDragImage call, which in effect suppresses the default drag image, is needed to prevent some browsers from showing the whole editor being dragged around, because the outer element was set as draggable=true.

In CodeMirror's mousedown handler, I also preventDefault() clicks that are not inside of the selection, so that dragging to create a selection does not trigger text dragging. On Webkit, it is necessary, in addition to that, to only set the draggable attribute to true when handling a mousedown event that actually looks like a drag, and setting it back to false afterwards.

The drop event handler for an editor can do the song and dance with a FileReader to also handle files being dropped into the editor.

Context menu

As the icing on the cake, an editing control should behave properly when right-clicked. The context menu should contain working 'copy', 'cut', and 'paste' items.

Unfortunately, there is no API for hooking into context menus. You can capture the click and display your own menu, but that is very lame, and, what's worse, you won't have access to the clipboard so you can't even properly implement copy/paste functionality.

As usual in browser land, there's a horrible kludge to be found to make up for the lack of APIs. In this case, we can respond to a mouse click or contextmenu event by briefly unhiding the textarea (giving it a low opacity and no borders in order to not draw attention to it), and placing it under the mouse cursor.

Since the textarea already contains the current selection, and, if it has a selection, its top left corner, which we place under the mouse cursor, will be where that selection is located, the browser now believes that we clicked on the textarea's selection, and will provide the menu items we want. Even if the the node is hidden again after a few milliseconds, the click will have been associated with it, and a subsequent paste will still be applied to our textarea.

One issue is that Firefox will fire the contextmenu event after opening the contextmenu, at which point it is too late to trick it into believing the textarea was clicked. So on that browser, we trigger the kludge from the mousedown handler instead (given that the right button was pressed).

A fourth item from the context menu that we'd like to support is 'select all'. To do this, we add a bogus space at the start of the content, which is not selected, and then poll for a while to see whether this space became selected. If it did (with the rest of the content still intact), we select everything in the editor. If something else changed about the textarea, or some amount of time went by, we give up.


For non-input keyboard events, such as cursor movement keys, CodeMirror simply handles the raw event itself and performs the appropriate operations on its internal selection representation.

The initial CodeMirror version 2 used a different approach, which was cute but in the end didn't work out. It put not only the selection, but also a few lines around that into the textarea, and left local cursor movement up to the browser. It would not just get input from the textarea, but also selection information.

This had the advantage of using the 'native' key bindings of the browser. It would work for custom key bindings, and outsource some of the complexity of selection handling to the browser.

It was abandoned because it required a lot of hacks to get working. For example, you can't set the selection's anchor when setting a selection on a textarea. The anchor is the side that does not move when you press shift-left (or any other shift-motion). Browsers assume it to always be the left side of the selection when the selection is set through setting selectionStart and selectionEnd. To have the selection behave properly when it was in fact inverted (the anchor was the rightmost side) involved some painful and brittle kludges.

Additionally, it seems that very few people actually reconfigure the keyboard bindings in their browsers (browsers don't make it very easy to do so), and, interestingly, people were more interested in providing custom bindings for CodeMirror than in reconfiguring their browsers.

In the end, the extra complexity of handling our own keyboard events turned out to be less than the complexity that came with the approach outlined above. So CodeMirror moved to the model where the textarea holds only the selection, and never has to deal with cursor-motion key presses.