S-SQL Examples
S-SQL examples
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Special Characters | Calling Postgresql Stored Functions and Procedures |
- Intro to S-SQL
- a (and, alter-table, any and any*, as or alias, avg)
- b (Between, Boolean Operators)
- c (call, case, cast, coalesce, constraints, count, create-composite-types create-index, create-table)
- d (data types (numbers and timestamps), delete, desc, distinct, distinct-on, doquery)
- e (enum, except, exists, extract)
- f (fetch, filter)
- g (generate-series, group-by)
- h (having)
- i (insert, insert-into, intersect)
- j (Joins)
- l (lateral, like, ilike, limit)
- m (many-to-many)
- n (null, not-null, nullif)
- o (on, on-conflict, or, order-by, order-by with limit and offset, over)
- p (parameterized, partition-by)
- r (random, raw, returning primary key, rollup)
- s (Set, sql-type-name, string_agg, sum)
- t (threads, time functions, to-tsquery, to-tsvector, truncate)
- u (union, union-all, unique, update, upsert, using)
- v (create-view, variable parameters)
- w (when, window, with, with-recursive)
- Array-Notes
- Calling Postgresql Stored Functions and Procedures
- Database Access Object (Dao) Classes
- Interval Notes
- Isolation Notes
- S-SQL and Postgresql Functions
- S-SQL and Prepared Statements
- Special Characters