Code Editing in the
- ACE (
- Orion (
- CodeMirror (
- Orion & CodeMirror v1:
rely on contentEditable - ACE & CodeMirror v2:
fake everything
The cursor is a lie
Small core, powerful API
What can you do with an API?
Language modes
function token(state, stream) → string
function startState() → state
function token(state, stream) → string
function startState() → state
function token(state, stream) → string
function indent(state, line) → column
Recognize local variables
Spot mismatched tags
Composing modes
C, C#, Clojure, CoffeeScript, CSS, diff, Groovy, Haskell, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Jinja2, Lua, Markdown, NTriples, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, Python, R, reStructuredText, Ruby, Rust, Scheme, Smalltalk, SPARQL, LaTeX, Velocity, XML, YAML
Doubly-indexed B-tree
Instant CS cred!
Index both by line number and by vertical offset
That's all
(If there is time...)
@marijnjh marijnh